Thursday, April 28, 2016
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Master Bedroom
Am I the only one who makes quilts for everyone except for myself? It seems that in the last two years I have made multiple quilts but they never seem to be for me.
I know I don't ever get that much time to quilt and don't do near as much as other quilters out there, but it is still a hobby I enjoy perusing. I have made 3 bedspreads for my daughters, one for my mother and mother-in-law, 5 for neices and nephews, multiple baby quilts and even one that I donated to a friends cancer cause auction.
Last summer I decided it was time to make me a new summer and winter quilt and get rid of this bedspread I have had for the past 8 (did I really say that) years.
I chose the colors, summer: cheerful and bright, winter: warm and cuddly, and patterns, summer: Metro Hoops and winter: A- Maze Me. That fabric was even all purchased but I ran out of time. Now, being March national quilting month, I decided it was time to work on this project.
Here is my todo list for this quilt
☑️ Make HST (360)
☑️ Make pinwheels (90)
☑️ trim pinwheels to 10"
☑️ use QCR to cut pinwheels
🔘 Sew edging on pinwheels
🔘 trim pinwheels to 9 1/2"
🔘 create rectangles (418)
🔘 trim rectangles to 2" x 9 1/2"
🔘 create rectangle sets (209)
🔘 Layout quilt
🔘 Stitch together top
🔘 Baste
🔘 Bind
My goal:
-Tuesday get the squares all cut to 10" and then cut with the Quick Curve Ruler
-Wednesday/Thursday sew the curves onto my 90 blocks
-Friday square up the blocks to 9 1/2"
-next Monday/Tuesday rectangles
-next Wednesday place the pieces
-next Thursday Sew the top together
Can I get all this done? Maybe, well I hope so! It is national quilting month!
I have just got this time sewn together (it was in the works for 2 1/2 years!
This is Craftsy's free pattern for 2013 BOM. I used Robert Kaufmann's Spot On fabric.
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm linking this up to: Quilt Story // Sew Fresh Quilts // Fort Worth Fabric Studio // WIP Wednesday //Needle and Thread Thursday //Finish It Up Friday ...
Monday, March 14, 2016
Curve it up
Last year at a local fabric store, Cotton Shop, I was asked to make the BOM quilt. I was already in the process of making a Curve it up quilt by sew kind of wonderful, for my MIL for Christmas, and so they thought we should do this for the BOM.
I made the quilt over a year ago, minus the edging on the bottom (I was 4" short on fabric to finish) and finally today I finished the border!
The fabric is a combinations for fabrics, chosen by Ricki at the Cotton Shop, by mainly Spectrum by Camelot Design Studio.
After I purchase some batting, I will complete the quilt with this binding and backing.
I'm not really in a hurry because I don't know what to do with the quilt. Any ideas?
Here is the change in colors I used for my MIL's quilt
Here is the change in colors I used for my MIL's quilt
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm linking this up to: Quilt Story // Sew Fresh Quilts // Fort Worth Fabric Studio // WIP Wednesday //Needle and Thread Thursday //Finish It Up Friday ...
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Metro Lattice
Last summer I began a summer quilt for my bedroom. If any of you are like me summertime is not a time with free uninterrupted quilting time. My summer is filled with running here and there with my 4 darling daughters. By August the quilt was put in a drawer and forgotten, until Thursday, yes this last Thursday, March 10th.
While attending a quilt camp, I went to a road show given by Jenny Pedigo. I really fell in love with two of her quilts, metro lattice and urban nine patch.
Here she is with her metro lattice quilt:
Here is a urban nine patch I saw at the HMQS last year
I chose the Moda fabric, Color Therapy, that tells you I have had the fabric for at least a year! And I did put all the HST's together, but then the quilt got put away. Thursday was an open "sew"cial at the cotton shop and so I decided that with 5 hours of sewing I could start this again.
I did get 90 pinwheels put together!
I made me a list of everything I have to do and am checking it off step by step.
☑️ Make HST (360)
☑️ Make pinwheels (90)
🔘 trim pinwheels to 10"
🔘 use QCR to cut pinwheels
🔘 Sew edging on pinwheels
🔘 trim pinwheels to 9 1/2"
🔘 create rectangles (322)
🔘 trim rectangles to 2" x 9 1/2"
🔘 create rectangle sets (161)
🔘 Layout quilt
🔘 Stitch together top
🔘 Baste
🔘 Bind
It's a lot of steps, here is what one block looks like after adding pieces cut with the QCR (quick cut ruler) and trimming it to 9 1/2". Maybe I will have it ready for next summer!
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Allie's Quilt finished!
This Powwow quilt is finally finished! As I stated before this quilt is for my neices senior graduation which will take place in a few months. This last weekend she found out that she was accepted to her college of choice, BYU! I enjoy when they come to BYU because then they live close by.
I still baste my quilts by taping them to my concrete floor in our game room. This quilt is 69 1/2" x 96", so rather large to baste this way.
I looked at a lot of powwow quilts that had previously been made to see the quilting. After lots of study, I decided to go with straight lines and use my walking foot.
Here is my finished quilt, hopefully when the weather is warmer I can get some better pictures.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
A year ago I made 3 quilts in December, two were for my daughters Christmas gifts and one was for the BOM at the local Cotton Shop. I regret to say that the BOM quilt is still not quilted, it hang on the wall in their shop for 12 months and the last few weeks I just haven't had the desire to finish an 'old forgotten' quilt. Until then it may just have a spot on my shelf.
The other two quilts I blogged about a little but I never did show the finished products. DD1 (darling daughter #1) received a hopscotch quilt, it's prior post goes into the fabric and pattern choices. She's also the daughter I did the geometric patterns painted on her wall.
Here is her finished wall:
And quilt:
Starting out with all the triangle was difficult, but the quilt came together quickly and in the end I really love the finished quilt. It is definitely my favorite quilt that I have made.
You can see its back goes well with the pattern painted on the wall. It's not often you get to choose the paint color, pattern, head board, and decorations in a bedroom, all around the quilt. But the quilt pattern and fabric was my basis for her bedroom.
DD2's quilt was a pattern that she chose and she also chose the fabric at the Missouri Quilt shop. We were just driving through a small town while on vacation, and I could not pass up the opportunity to stop there. Here is the ink to the making her her quilt and the final product. It fits her personality perfectly.
This is my nephew Brets quilt I made for his graduation last summer. He's on a service mission for the next 16 months so I am holding it for him. It is made with Modas Reel Time fabric.
I had a hard time choosing the quilting thead color. I went with orange even though the back of the quilt is green. I really like the visibility of the pattern, it stands out nicely but isn't to bold.
I'm linking this up to: Freshly Pieced // Quilt Story // Sew Fresh Quilts // Fort Worth Fabric Studio
WIP: Allie's Quilt
This past week I was able to finish my VALENTINE/St. Patrick table runner, as well as begin 2 more of them.
I also finished making my arrows for a powwow quilt I am making for my neice Alli. I make a quilt for each of my nieces and nephews for their high school graduation and this is her year!
For this quilt I selected AdornIt's fabric and kind of used the Pow Wow quilt pattern by cluck cluck sew. I did alter the pattern for the purpose of not wasting so much fabric and ease. Note: I used Quilt in a days flying geese ruler for that purpose. It works great!
And today I only had a few minutes, but I was able to start sewing these crazy rows together. I say chain stitching is the only was to go!
I also finished making my arrows for a powwow quilt I am making for my neice Alli. I make a quilt for each of my nieces and nephews for their high school graduation and this is her year!
For this quilt I selected AdornIt's fabric and kind of used the Pow Wow quilt pattern by cluck cluck sew. I did alter the pattern for the purpose of not wasting so much fabric and ease. Note: I used Quilt in a days flying geese ruler for that purpose. It works great!
The quilt will be 9 blocks by 13 blocks and si I needed a total of 117 arrow blocks, which I finished making last night. I also laid them out on the floor to get the pattern look I preferred. There will be some of that Kona cotton Stone fabric between each row.
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm linking this up to: Freshly Pieced // Quilt Story // Sew Fresh Quilts // Fort Worth Fabric Studio // WIP Wednesday
pow wow quilt,
table runner,
Valentine's Day
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
I am a spur of the moment type of person! Today I decided, rather sporadically to make a Valentine's table runner with some Moda Table for Two fabric I've had for the last year. When I started creating the pattern, I decided to make this a duo holiday runner. At 5 pm this afternoon I was at the fabric store and now at 9:30 I have this made and am relaxing with my iPhone.
Here is a few steps:
This is the St Patrick's side, it will need a 1 1/2" border all the way around it. I'm still not sure what color to use.
And my finished Valentine table runner top. Hopefully I will finish this and have it quilted tomorrow morning!
Here is my finished project
I did link this up with OMG (one month goal) finished with some of my stash.
I'm linking this up with:
I'm linking this up to: Freshly Pieced // Quilt Story // Sew Fresh Quilts // Fort Worth Fabric Studio
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Starting NEW
Each year, when I have a niece or nephew graduate from high school I make them a quilt. This year my niece Allie will be graduating and her quilt is going to need 234 of these flying geese! I am using an AdornIt line of fabric and Kona cotton stone fabric as the background.
I really wanted to use the quilt pattern pow wow by cluck cluck sew. I love this quilt, but when making one in the past I had way to much wasted fabric. So..... I drew up another plan (notice I still get use of my old stampin up design paper)
In this plan I will be using the quilt in a day flying geese block.
Stay tuned I will get a lot more made this week!
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