Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Master Bedroom

  Am I the only one who makes quilts for everyone except for myself?  It seems that in the last two years I have made multiple quilts but they never seem to be for me.
  I know I don't ever get that much time to quilt and don't do near as much as other quilters out there, but it is still a hobby I enjoy perusing.   I have made 3 bedspreads for my daughters, one for my mother and mother-in-law, 5 for neices and nephews, multiple baby quilts and even one that I donated to a friends cancer cause auction.
  Last summer I decided it was time to make me a new summer and winter quilt and get rid of this bedspread I have had for the past 8 (did I really say that) years.  

I chose the colors, summer: cheerful and bright, winter: warm and cuddly, and patterns, summer: Metro Hoops and winter: A- Maze Me.  That fabric was even all purchased but I ran out of time.  Now, being March national quilting month, I decided it was time to work on this project.  

Here is my todo list for this quilt
☑️ Make HST (360)
☑️ Make pinwheels (90)
☑️ trim pinwheels to 10"
☑️ use QCR to cut pinwheels 
🔘 Sew edging on pinwheels 
🔘 trim pinwheels to 9 1/2"
🔘 create rectangles (418)
🔘 trim rectangles to 2" x 9 1/2"
🔘 create rectangle sets (209)
🔘 Layout quilt
🔘 Stitch together top 
🔘 Baste
🔘 Bind

My goal: 
-Tuesday get the squares all cut to 10" and then cut with the Quick Curve Ruler

-Wednesday/Thursday sew the curves onto my 90 blocks
-Friday square up the blocks to 9 1/2"
-next Monday/Tuesday rectangles
-next Wednesday  place the pieces 
-next Thursday Sew the top together

Can I get all this done?  Maybe, well I hope so!  It is national quilting month!

I have just got this time sewn together (it was in the works for 2 1/2 years!

This is Craftsy's free pattern for 2013 BOM.  I used Robert Kaufmann's Spot On fabric.

Thanks for visiting my blog!  I'm linking this up to: Quilt Story // Sew Fresh Quilts // Fort Worth Fabric Studio // WIP Wednesday //Needle and Thread Thursday //Finish It Up Friday ... 

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