Yes this is all about suckers! My oldest two daughters have been selling suckers the last two years after school. This year selling them for 10 minutes, 9 days, they sold almost $90 worth! It's a great way for them to make their summer snow cone money!
So let me show how they are made:
2/3 cup corn syrup
3/4 cup water
2 cups sugar
1 tsp flavoring
Food coloring
Just cook the first three ingredients to a hard crack. You can stir but you don't need to. It will turn yellow and thicken before it's ready.
Make sure your sucker molds are ready with sticks! I spray my molds with cooking spray about every 10 batches. That way the suckers pop out easily.

When the suckers reach the hard crack temperature, add the food coloring and star stirring fast before adding the flavoring. Add it and then pour quickly.
It helps to have a helper to make sure the sticks all stay in while you are pouring.
This batch is blue Hawaii, I purchase my candy flavoring from a knot and craft store that sells it in 1 ounce bottles.
If you want to mix things up add 1/2 blue Hawaii and 1/2 piña colada. We call that cougars blood (after the famous tigers blood) and everyone loves this!
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